Monday 26 December 2016

Release The Biafra Surrender Document – Now!


Dr. Goodluck E. A. Jonathan,

President and Commander-in-Chief

Federal Republic of Nigeria,

Presidential Villa (Aso Rock),

Abuja, Nigeria

Dear President Jonathan,



           I hope that you, the first lady, and the rest of your household are well. As much as I realize how tough things can be since the abduction of the girls that finally drew the attention of the international community to Boko Haram, I trust that this letter will meet you in good spirits. However, that is not why I write you this public letter. Instead, it is about Biafra. I know you still remember the tragedy that befell the Igbo and other Easterners even though you were young when the Biafra war started in 1967.

Boko Haram is civil war! Gowon urges Jonathan to launch full blown attack on the North East

General Yakubu Gowon, who led Nigeria through a 30-month civil war, yesterday, lamented that the country had fallen into full scale civil war with the spate of crises in the northeast.
His assertion was corroborated by the Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions, NASU.
The assertions came as the governor of Borno State, Alhaji Kashim Shetima lamented that the last seven days have been the worst in his life following the abduction of 129 girls from a secondary school in the state. He disclosed that seven more girls had escaped from the hideout of the Boko Haram insurgents bringing the number of those remaining in captivity of the Islamic insurgents to 77.

This is a new pogrom! The massacre of Biafrans have intensified: Over 200 dead in Nyanya bomb attack. Details of the Nyanya attack

·         About 200 predominantly Biafrans dead
·         More than 400 hundred injured
·         16 luxury buses and 24 other vehicles burnt by explosion
·         Eye-witnesses, survivors recount experiences
·         Jonathan makes another empty boast “We’ll defeat Boko Haram
·         Survivors’ accounts confirms mainly Biafrans were killed in the blast
A new pogrom against Biafrans has once again began. The pogrom was intensified with yesterday bombing at Nyanya Motor, which targeted Biafrans. Biafrans predominate in Nyanya, a suburb of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and for the attack to have been carried out at the rush hour of the morning when people are leaving for work and private endeavour. It should be recalled that from  May 1966 till after July, the Islamic northern oligarchy carried out murderous acts against Biafrans, which culminated in the Biafran-Nigeria war.

“Igbos must be repatriated from the North!” Leaked Proceedings of the Northern House Of Assembly, February-March 1964

"I wish the numbers of these Igbos be reduced…. There are too many of them in the North. They are like sardines and I think they are just too dangerous to the Region."

Below is an extract from the proceedings of the Northern Region House of Assembly between February and March 1964, less than four years after Nigeria’s independence from the British.

Mallam Muhammadu Mustapha Mande Gyan: On the allocation of plots to Ibos or allocation of stalls, I would like to advise the Minister that these people know how to make money, and we do not know the way and manner of getting about this business. We do not want Ibos to be allocated with plots. I do not want them to be given plots...

How Nigerian Ambassador in Sudan was passing classified Nigeria's diplomatic secrets to terrorists and Sudanese authority. Sudanese connection to the islamisation of Nigeria.

"I was posted to Sudan. I was chased out of Sudan for knowing and talking too much. . . .The ambassador was an Islamic fundamentalist from Kano. At times, he [Ambassador] would send my reports to the host country [Sudan] which was not allowed in international diplomacy . In fact, he boasted that he was in total control because he was the stenographer to the late Sardauna of Sokoto, Ahmadu Bello. I became a target of the host country. They could have framed me or eliminated me"

In this explosive interview of a former Nigerian diplomat, Ambassador Bola Dada shares his experiences in international affairs with ADEOLA BALOGUN and JESUSEGUN ALAGBE of Punch Newspaper. Dada exposed the rot in Nigeria foreign missions and how Islamic fundamentalists are working against the interests of Nigeria and Nigerian Christians, and their zeal to islamise the entire country. He stated that Ahmad Sani Yerima was radicalised in Sudan by Osama bin Laden and the Nigeria Ambassador who was an Islamic fundamentalist was aware of all of this.

Nigeria’s war over Biafra, 1967-70 (Part 1)

By Mark Curtis
The formerly secret files on the Nigerian civil war in the late 1960s show very clear British complicity in the Nigerian government’s aggression against the region of Biafra, where an independence movement was struggling to secede from Nigeria. This brutal civil war resulted in between one and three million deaths; it also significantly helped shape modern Nigeria, and not least the division of oil revenues between the central government and the regions and people.

Paradigm shift: Nigeria needs a bottom-up approach to progress. Break the country into bits

Nigeria is a colonial experiment that has continued to run in circle of deception and corruption, thereby producing similar results from year to year. For there to be a positive a change, there must be a paradigm shift based on a bottom-up approach that would split the country into its natural indivisible units.”
Nigeria is faced with myriad of problems, which has stunted its growth and progress, and impoverished bulk of the people living in it. This is a point every “Nigeria” have accepted to be fact. Despite unfounded hopes, championed by corrupt government officials, suggesting a better future, there is no shred of evidence supporting that meaningful progress would be made if Nigeria continues to function the way it currently does. A quick review of Nigeria’s recent and past will clearly show that the country has continued to slide into the abyss with time, with corruption skyrocketing and the masses getting impoverished by the day.

Biafrans excited as more crude oil reserves are discovered in Imo State

The Imo Government said it discovered crude oil in some local government areas, and urged

the Federal Government to inspect the sites for possible exploration.

The Managing Director of Imo State Oil Producing Area Development Commission (ISOPADEC), Dr Henry Okoro, revealed this in an interview in Owerri on Friday.
Okoro said the areas are Oru East and West, Ngor-Opkala and Obowo Local Government.

Is this a joke? South East governors appoint Ike Nwachukwu leader of Igbo delegates

The South-East Governors’ Forum yesterday in Enugu appointed General Ike Nwachukwu (retd), former Minister of External Affairs, Senator Ike Nwachukwu, as the chairman of the South-East delegates to the national conference.
Recall that General Ike Nwachukwu, who was a military governor of old Imo State, who sold most of the industries established by Sam Mbakwe to himself. He also was a very close associate of former Nigerian military dictator, General Ibrahim Babangida 9rtd). Moreover, Ike Nwachukwu has strong ties with the northern Oligarchy as his mum is of the Hausa-Fulani stock. How could one with such pedigree head an Igbo delegation that is supposed to be talking about self determination?

The British Government's Responsibility for Northern Nigeria- Gatestone Institute

The ‘Northern’ blackmail of Nigeria

By Femi Aribisala

I HAVE never voted in a Nigerian election.  I have only ever voted once, but it was in Britain and not in Nigeria.  As a Commonwealth student in England in the 1970s, I was allowed to vote for the re-election of Harold Wilson’s Labour party.  However, I am seriously thinking of casting my vote, for whatever it is worth, in Nigeria’s forthcoming elections in 2015.  There is only one reason for this.  I am determined that a “Northerner” must not be the next president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Biafran Zionist Movement (BZM) claims responsibility for Enugu State Government House attack

Biafra Zionist Movement (BZM) has claimed responsibility for the Saturday attack on the Enugu State Government House.
The leader of the  group, Barrister Benjamin Onwuka disclosed this today during a press briefing at the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, Press Centre, Enugu, boasting that members of his group took control of the Enugu State seat of power for about four hours after they successfully hoisted the flag of the Republic of Biafra and some banners at the main gate.


I am deeply and humbly constrained to present you with this letter. For many years, indeed throughout my mature life, I had been a proud but disinterested admirer of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and her peoples. The history of Your Majesty’s country is replete with heroism, discoveries which were near miracles, and institutions of higher learning of the most outstanding character and achievement. Britain, though insular and small in size and capacity, had centuries ago proved conclusively, to the world that for any community and nation to reach the acme of greatness and respectability, it is not quantity that counts but quality and the type of people who make up the nation.

Jonathan continues the purging of Igbos from his administration. Sacks heads of Aviation agencies

President Goodluck Jonathan , has continued to purge his administration of Igbo in sensitive positions of his government. Due the massive support he received from the Igbos during his emergence as the ACting President and during the 2011 election, President Jonathan corrected some of the ills meted out to the Igbos by previous administrations, by appointing Igbos to various positions of power in his administration. However due to relentless criticism from the Yorubas and Hausa-Fulani oligarchs,

INSANITY! Raph Uwazuruike using Nigerian Police to fight MASSOB Commanders

INSANITY! Raph Uwazuruike using Nigerian Police to fight MASSOB Commanders
The allegation that Raph Uwazuruike, the erstwhile leader of the  Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) has been under the payroll of the Nigerian government has finally been confirmed. Uwazuruike who was supposed to be fighting for the liberation of Biafra from Nigeria, has aligned himself with the Nigerian government to sabotage Biafran restoration efforts. This has pitted him against some commanders of  MASSOB, who  as a result deposed him and chased him out of MASSOB Headquarters at Okwe (Uwazuruike's hometown).

Ebola Port Harcourt: Details of how Rivers State Government aided the spread of Ebola in Port Harcourt

Ebola Port Harcourt: Details of how Rivers State Government aided the spread of Ebola in Port Harcourt

Facts have emerged that Rivers State Governor, Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi and the state government compromised in their handling of the Ebola virus case confirmed in Port Harcourt, the state capital last week.
Had the state government swung into action immediately the discovering of Ebola outbreak in the state, many lives would have been saved. Competent sources said that as soon as the carrier of the Ebola virus was identified by the doctor who handled his case, the state government was notified but Governor Amaechi swept it under the carpet

Libyan Jihadists takes over US Embassy in Tripoli

The U.S. Embassy in Tripoli taken over by Libyan Jihadists 
Members of a Libyan jihadists militia  have taken over the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, where the United States evacuated all of its staff last month, U.S. officials said on Sunday.
A YouTube video showed the breach of the diplomatic facility by what was believed to be a militia group mostly from the northwestern city of Misrata. Dozens of men, some armed, were seen gleefully crowded onto the patio of a swimming pool, with some diving in from the balcony of a nearby building.

Danger Signal! Boko Haram takes Bama. Eyes Maiduguri

Danger Signal! Boko Haram takes Bama. Eyes Maidugiri

Nigeria’s militant Islamist group Boko Haram has seized the key north-eastern town of Bama after fierce fighting with government forces, residents say.
Thousands of civilians have fled the town, along with soldiers, they added.
The military has not yet officially commented on the claim that it has lost control of Bama, the second biggest town in Borno state.
Last month, Boko Haram said it had established an Islamic state in areas it controls in north-eastern Nigeria.

ISIS beheads second American journalist Steven Sotloff

ISIS beheads second American journalist
A new video has been posted on the internet purported to show Islamic State militants beheading American journalist Steven Sotloff.

The Associated Press and the SITE Intel Group, an organization that tracks the online activity of terrorist groups, both reported on Tuesday that the Islamic State has posted a video of the execution barely two weeks after the group formerly known as ISIS published a similar clip of American photojournalist James Foley suffering the same fate.

Boko Haram expanding caliphate: Gwoza, Banki, Bama in Bornu and Buni Yadi, Bara in Yobe. The strategic plan to capture Maiduguri and Damaturu

Boko Haram expanding caliphate: Gwoza, Banki, Bama in Bornu and Buni Yadi, Bara in Yobe. The strategic plan to capture Maiduguri and Damaturu. The fall of Maiduguri is imminent.
Despite placating information from the Nigeria Military Headquarters, Boko Haram is quickly expanding its recently declared caliphate. The Islamic Caliphate of Northern Nigeria has spread from Sambisa to Gwoza, Gwoza to Bama, Bama to Banki in Bornu State, as well as from Buni Yadi to Bara in Yobe State in a two-pronged strategy to capture Maiduguri and Damaturu.
Earlier today BBC reported that  the Islamic terrorists group  captured the town of Banki, in the Limani area of Bornu State which borders Cameroon, after government troops fled, residents say.

Few ours ago residents told Reuters News Agency that Boko Haram has taken control of Bara, an “unguarded” town in northeastern Nigeria without firing a shot.

Ukraine Ceasefire: Putin Squeezes Ukrainian government with 7 point demands

Ukraine Ceasefire: Putin Squeezes Ukrainian government with 7 point demands
Kiev must withdraw troops from southeastern regions of Ukraine and rebels must stop offensive to stop bloodshed, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin says. He and Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko discussed "a ceasefire regime."

President Putin has outlined a seven-point plan to stabilize the situation in the crisis-torn east of Ukraine.

“On my way here from [the city of] Blagoveschensk to Ulan-Bator [Mongolia], I outlined some ideas and plan of actions. It’s here, but in handwriting,” Putin told reporters.

Muslims do not distinguish between civilians and military in war - UK Islamic activist Anjem Choudary justifies the massacre of civilians by jihadists

Muslims do not distinguish between civilians and military in war - UK Islamic activist
Anjem Choudary justifies the massacre of civilians by jihadists

Controversial London-based thinker and activist, Anjem Choudary, told RT the geopolitical maneuvers of IS in Iraq and Syria are a direct repercussion of a “detrimental” US foreign policy in the Middle East.

The age-old adage that violence begets violence is relevant to any debate on international terrorism. But according to Choudary, a self-proclaimed Islamic scholar, IS aggression particularly illustrates this concept.

Saturday 24 December 2016

Ukraine Ceasefire: Kiev and rebels reach ceasefire agreement as NATO ratchets up a Spearhead attack force

kraine Ceasefire: Kiev  and rebels reach ceasefire agreement as NATO ratchets up a Spearhead attack force: From left to right:- Former Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma, representative of self proclaimed "People Republic of Donetsk", Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko, OSCE envoy Heidi Tagliavini, Russian Ambassador to the Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, rebel leader of "People Republic of Lugansk" Igor Plotnitsky make an official statement on the signing of a ceasefire agreement in Minsk, on September 5, 2014. (AFP Photo)
Kiev officials and representatives of the two self-proclaimed republics in southeastern Ukraine have agreed to a ceasefire, as the contact group met behind closed doors in Belarus.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has confirmed the ceasefire agreement on his Twitter account.

The truce agreement comes into force starting 6 pm local time (15:00 GMT).

The president has ordered to cease fire starting at the time stated in the protocol.

Itse Sagay refutes STEVEN DAVIS cock-and-bull lies against Ihejirika

 Itse Sagay refutes STEVEN DAVIS cock-and-bull lies against Ihejirika
The Edo State born legal luminary professor Itse Sagay has flatly rejected the absurd and nonsensical allegation leveled against General Azubuike Ihejirika, by the Australian-born negotiator that Ihejirika was one of the sponsors of Boko Haram, based on information he got from the terrorists, while negotiating with them.

It is however on record that Ihejirika almost dismantled Boko Haram's structure, and conversely Boko Haram activities intensified as soon as Ihejirika retired as the Chief of Army staff.

Reacting to the allegation, Sagay stated “I can’t believe it and I still don’t believe it. There must be something wrong somewhere. Because it stands against all logic and commonsense.

US kills Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Godane in air strike

Ahmed Godane killed in US  air strike on Monday
The United States has confirmed that it has killed the leader of the al Shabaab, Ahmed AbdiGodane. Pentagon says  US air strike in Somalia on Monday killed Ahmed Godane.

The US air strike in Somalia on Monday, killed at least six members of the Islamic extremist group al-Shabaab including its leader who was in a car that was hit. It was not immediately clear as at Monday that the leader was killed until today when Penatgon officials confirmed it.

According to the Guardian, Ahmed Godane has no heir apparent as leader and analysts fear his death will spark further instability in the group.

Yorubas support secession and self determination

Convocation of Sovereign National Conference looming
The Yorubas finally brought their weight behind the discussion of right to self determination and secession of ethnic nationalities making up the Nigeria geographical space at the oncoming NationalConference, being championed by Biafrans.

CONFAB: Igbos canvass secession, self determination rights

Prof Nwabueze

ENUGU — The Igbo leaders of thought led by eminent Constitutional lawyer, Professor Ben Nwabueze, yesterday, rolled out its position paper that would guide the Igbo delegates to the proposed National conference with a strong proposal for the inclusion of the right of secession or self determination in the new constitution.

Biafran Airlift: Israel’s Secret Mission to Save Lives

In 1968, thanks to the relatively recent invention of broadcast television, the world was horrified by images of young Biafran children starving en masse during the Nigerian civil war. The international call to action was overwhelming. U.S. President Lyndon Johnson told the State Department, “Get those…babies off my TV set.” As the largest non-combatant airlift in history, the Biafran operation is estimated to have saved over one million lives. What most of the world does not know is that Israeli pilots and ground crews played a critical role in this historic airlift.

Biafra: A People Betrayed

By Kurt Vonnegut
From Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons, 1979

THERE is a "Kingdom of Biafra" on some old maps which were made by early white explorers of the west coast of Africa. Nobody is now sure what that kingdom was, what its laws and arts and tools were like. No tales survive of the kings and queens.

May 30, 2014: Worldwide demonstration by the Indigenous People of Biafra

May 30, 2014: Worldwide demonstration by the Indigenous People of Biafra to commemorate the genocide against Biafrans during Nigeria-Biafra war and the current state-sponsored genocide against Biafrans in the illegal Nigeria. The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) cordially invite all Biafrans, friends of Biafra and sympathisers to her maiden